
Miss Fish (DK) & Carla From Helles7ed (DK): Organs
9-12  March 2016, Transforces on Stage, The Mad House, Helsinki

Miss Fish & Carla from Helle7ted is a performance duo who have performed together since 2008. 
Their work span from gallery installations to site specific work and participation in larger teater productions – latest the piece “Hic Sunt Leones” directed by Mirko Borscht from Berlin.
 The duo often shows their work in social and political contexts such as queer art events.

Organs is a video performance about body, gender and aesthetics. Organs reflects new possible constructions and ideas about the human mind, body and gender – a bundle of selves and a fluid gender identity. This is something which can only be experienced and negotiated collectively – which is the essence of the piece.